Eierbal or the Core of the Earth

// This is an article that was sent in by Divya Agarwal for the writing contest and we are more than happy to announce this article as the winner for the online// article. We hope you enjoy. //

On the move to a new city, the suggestion from my lover to try his beloved Northern snack - the eierbal added an extra layer of significance to my adventure. After trying the bitterballen and other krokets, I found myself drawn to this quintessential Dutch snack intrigued by its layers of flavours and textures, specific to this city. "Kroket kroket, kroket kroket, you're turning pretty Dutch" my Dutch manager teases me as I buy an eierbal from a local Cafeteria Koning in Groningen while he unplugs his car.

As I bit into the eierbal, I couldn't help but notice its complexity. Encased within its golden, crispy and warm exterior was a world of culinary experiments - a whole boiled egg enveloped in a thick gravy coat called a roux, seasoned with curry spices and parsley. The egg itself was soft-boiled ensuring that the yolk remained delightfully liquid contrasting with the creamy texture of the meat and breadcrumbs.

In my imagination, I couldn't help but draw parallels to the Earth's core. The eierbal's layers mirrored the geological composition of the Earth - solid inner core, liquid outer core and solid/plastic mantle - the eierbal itself was a visual representation of this natural phenomenon.

The innermost layer of the eierbal, akin to the Earth's solid inner core, represented by the boiled egg yolk, stood in stark contrast to the outer layers of meat and breadcrumbs much like the transition from solid to liquid in the Earth's core. The outer crust of tectonic plates on which all life exists was now the molten crust of this snack, that all of Groningen devoured. 

With each bite, I savoured not only the delicious flavours of the eierbal but also the important connection of food in a bigger world. It was a reminder that even the simplest of foods can offer profound insights into the wonders of our planet and the connections we share with one another.

The symbolic eierbal reflection opened me up to the interplay of flavours and textures, dancing on my palate, the depth and richness akin to the complex geological processes that have shaped our world. Through the lens of the eierbal and the suggestion from my lover, I found myself on a delicious journey of discovery exploring not only the culinary delights of the limited Dutch cuisine but also the mysteries of the Earth's core and the enduring power of love.

And just like the Earth and a solid lover, you cannot enjoy more than one eierbal at once. //


Groningse Eierbal. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2024, from https://www.thedutchtable.com/2022/01/groningse-eierbal.html
Explainer: Earth — layer by layer. (2019, November 11). https://www.snexplores.org/article/explainer-earth-layer-layer
Cover iIllustration by author
Last figure: Eierbal (aaierbaal). (n.d.). Levend Erfgoed Groningen. Retrieved February 10, 2024, from https://www.levenderfgoedgroningen.nl/alle-verhalen/eierbal-aaierbal