Diversification of BAU

From companies like OMA and Sweco, to small firms like Studio Komma and Local. From 50,000+ employees to 5. This year, the contrast is significant at BAU, especially at the business fair.  

Not only Stylos is celebrating their lustrum anniversary this year. BAU, Business at University, is taking place for the 10th time! March will be under the spell of the business related events at our faculty, intended for both bachelor and master students. Over the past 9 years, BAU has seen many events, from workshops and checks to podcasts and panels. Each year, the month concludes with a business fair in the afternoon. This year, the 10th edition, we saw the opportunity to bring this to the next level. 

We, BAU 10, made the daring choice at the beginning of this academic year to expand the business fair into an event spanning two days. As a result, a historically high number of companies will be able to participate, 53. But this choice was not only made from the perspective of more is more. Our goal this year is to achieve more diversity and representation from all sectors within the architecture world. 

While contacting the companies, we noticed that it's not as easy for small firms to take a day off to participate in a fair. This is not only from the perspective of a shortage of employees but also from an economic perspective. In particular, the landscape sector has not been strongly represented at the fair in recent years, despite this direction becoming increasingly popular within our faculty. To address this issue, a new acquisition concept has been implemented this year. This was done by creating Silver, Gold, and Platinum Packages, tailored to the size of the company. This made it feasible for small firms to participate in BAU for the first time!

Not everyone is interested in a future at a large company. We, BAU 10, understand that! Come explore all sectors and chat with firms of all sizes at the business fair afternoons on March 26 and 27! //


Find out more information about BAU and the business fair on their website: https://www.bau-stylos.nl/. The business fair is open for everyone to attend.